@Finkelstein: The President is only in the news because the media make every tweet an existential crisis. Even when he says nothing controversial, or makes a quip, they create a controversy.
The "you should vote twice" - not what Trump said
The "drink bleach and put a UV light up your ass" - not what Trump said
The "asking Ukraine for help with Biden" - not what Trump said
The "Russian agent" and "election interference" stories - proven false by the LEFT (Mueller himself said so)
And even if there is no controversy, they just make up one, like the recent Atlantic story about Trump saying something about veterans that is so far out of left field.
The media, on the other hand, are carrying the drool cups for Obama and have been doing so, sometimes literally for Biden. The last few interviews with Biden, they stated the answer to the question in their question, at another event Biden reporters give prepared statements which then are answered from teleprompter. Questions are given to "concerned citizens" or rather "BLM activists" to read back to Biden - one of them said "I’m just going to be honest Mr. Biden, I was told to go off this paper, but I can’t. We need the truth and I am a part of the truth"
And then if you go look at these stories, "fact checkers" say none of this happened (even though there is live video evidence) with vague claims like "BLM is not part of the Biden campaign" (even though they are a fund raising arm of the Democratic party, through ActBlue).